Orycon 2016. Resurrected Post
November 20, 2016 Orycon 2016 And that wraps up another Orycon. Technically, as I write these words, the con is still ongoing in the sleepy
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
November 20, 2016 Orycon 2016 And that wraps up another Orycon. Technically, as I write these words, the con is still ongoing in the sleepy
October 2, 2016 Orycon 38 on the Horizon Orycon beckons once again. The Portland science-fiction convention has asked me back as a panelist for the
January 24, 2016 Westercon 69, Dude I received an invitation to serve as a panelist at Westercon 69. Westercon is a regional science fiction convention,
November 22, 2015 Orycon 37 in the Rearview Mirror That’s another Orycon is in the books. Another weekend a half step out of pace with
November 15, 2015 Orycon 37 I will be lowering the panelist quality of Orycon once again this year. I’m happy to do it, let me
November 9, 2014 Orycon 36 Wrap Up Another Orycon recedes in the rear view mirror. My second as a panelist. I felt more comfortable in the role