November 9, 2014
Orycon 36 Wrap Up
Another Orycon recedes in the rear view mirror. My second as a panelist. I felt more comfortable in the role this year and had a good time. Whether or not the other panelists or the audience members enjoyed my participation remains an open question.
I met a number of talented and interesting individuals. I have a pocketful of business cards to prove it. Here commences the name dropping. The prolific and colorful Annie Bellet endured my banter. I purchased the “Shattered Shields” anthology, containing a story she wrote and met the editor Jennifer Brozek. I chatted again with the obliging Steve Perry. I shared anecdotes with Daniel H. Wilson. I met the writers Ksenia Anske, Leah Cutter, Jonathon Burgess, Clayton Callahan, Cody Barrus, Phyllis Irene Radford, and many others. I spoke with the artist and cartoonist John Alexander, artist Adrian Bourne. I bent the ear of filmmaker J.R. Ralls of “Dark Dungeons” infamy. I bored to tears, I’m sure, many others and handed out stacks of cards.
Ending the convention on the same panel with William F. Nolan, co-author of “Logan’s Run” counts, I think, as a high note.
I hopped from party to party Saturday night up on the 14th and 15th floor of the Doubletree. I learned quite a bit and I hope to employ some of the knowledge. For good or ill? We’ll see.