May 3, 2020
Second Edition Update
As they say, two steps forward, one step back. I mentioned last week that the rights to Thick As Thievesreverted to me and I decided to put out the second edition myself.
I’ve been working on the files, both print and digital. Since I do not intend this to be an Amazon exclusive, I’ve essentially doubled my work load. I actually outsourced formatting the digital edition. (Thanks Fiverr.) So, the reading part of the book is ready to go.
Unfortunately I’ve run into some issues with the cover. When I formatted the print edition, the page count changed, meaning the estimate I’d give the cover designer was off. Not only that, while the Kindle version is ready to go right now (I could release it, but I’m trying to launch on as many platforms as I can simultaneously) Barnes & Noble demands a smaller file size for Nook cover art.
Once I get revised cover files I’ll be ready to go for Amazon and Barnes & Noble, both print and digital. I’m running into some difficulty with IngramSpark. I hope to sort that out soon, and be able to offer the book on more platforms and for purchase through independent bookstores.
Have I mentioned that sometimes I wish I’d shopped the book around again rather than tackling this myself? I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a one man band. I suppose a little adversity is good for me. The more little the better.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a peek at the cover. (Note, it will NOT be available in hard back. This is just a mock up.) As of this writing, Karl Thorson and the Jade Dagger remains on sale. I believe the publisher is running the special through May 10. If you like the book, please leave a review.