Rest. Plus Savage Journal Entry 18.
I have, I believe, completed the task of resurrecting the lost web log posts. I’ll examine the matter more closely later. But for now I’m
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
I have, I believe, completed the task of resurrecting the lost web log posts. I’ll examine the matter more closely later. But for now I’m
September 6, 2020 Anthologies: The Spell of Seven Another volume curated by L. Sprague de Camp, The Spell of Seven offers a stellar lineup of
August 9, 2020 The Family Road Trip Last Monday, I packed up MBW and the HA for a road trip. I pointed the vehicle east
June 21, 2020 Father’s Day It is Father’s Day. I’m busy enjoying it, so this will be short. Let me just say that I can
June 14, 2020 Kyrik Fights the Demon World. Hell Breaks Loose, By the Numbers. I’ve read a few of Gardner Fox’s Kothar books. So when
June 7, 2020 Falling Down the Gravity Well I’d hoped to devote this web log post to an announcement. But circumstances under the control of
May 31, 2020 Fantasy and Sword-and-Sorcery for Turbulent Days We are living in interesting times. Whatever your take on current events, however much or little
May 24, 2020 Putting in the Work As with many of you, home improvement projects have played an unusually prominent role in recent weeks. Now,
May 17, 2020 Vitally Haggard A few words on Haggard. No, not Merle Haggard, though that man is worthy of a torrent of digital ink.