A Rosier Elric. Resurrected Post.
May 10, 2020 A Rosier Elric Michael Moorcock is the elder statesman of the S&S genre. He earned his bones. His success is unquestioned and
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
May 10, 2020 A Rosier Elric Michael Moorcock is the elder statesman of the S&S genre. He earned his bones. His success is unquestioned and
May 3, 2020 Second Edition Update As they say, two steps forward, one step back. I mentioned last week that the rights to Thick As
April 26, 2020 Second Edition Thick As Thieves came out a few years ago. I’m rather fond of that one. Crime and fantasy are not
April 19, 2020 A Drive-Through Meal There was a time when bookstore shelves were not dominated by cinder block-sized fantasy epics. Back in the 1960s
April 12, 2020 Take a Deep Draft Why have I waited so long to read The Drawing of the Dark? Perhaps it was for the
April 5, 2020 Falchion Returns! You can’t keep a good man down. Or at least you can’t keep a perhaps not-so-nice fictional character down. If
March 29, 2020 In the Pipe Whether we’re facing a world-changing pandemic, or not, I’m still working. Not just at my day job; I’m also
March 22, 2020 Dancing on the Precipice [image error] I understand there is some sort of kerfuffle going on in the world. People panicking, going
March 15, 2020 S&S 202: Does Sword-and-Planet Fiction Qualify as Sword-and-Sorcery? Does the Sword-and-Planet (also known as Planetary Romance) genre qualify as Sword-and-Sorcery? Or, more