Just in time for Christmas I bring you an unalloyed self-promotional post. God bless us everyone! And especially me.
The winter edition of Cirsova magazine is out. And — this is the important part, so pay attention — it contains a story by me. It’s The Red Hat, one of my Cesar the Bravo sword-and-sorcery tales. There are also several other stories that you may like, but focus now. This is about me.
No, enough of that. Humor doesn’t always come through as intended. The point is, the magazine is out. If you are the sort of person intrigued by a “Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense” then this is right in your wheelhouse. The pulps didn’t die. They are alive and well in the page of Cirsova magazine. If you happen to pick this up, and if you enjoyed my story, pay special attention to the Notes page at the back. There is information contained therein that might interest you. I will certainly be addressing it at some point in the coming months.
I hope you enjoy your festivities this week. I have the tree up and decorated. The HA is excited to open her presents. The cats are thrilled to have a tree to lurk beneath and a new water dish to lap from. My mother-in-law is here through the first week of the new year. And MBW’s present finally arrived. The tracking notes suggest it had quite an adventure getting here. So it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Casa Lizzi.
One more thing. I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that I also have a story in Swords & Sorceries: Tales of Heroic Fantasy volume 9, published just last month.
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