To anyone looking it might not appear that I’m doing any writing. But I am. The staring at the walls or spending entirely too long in the shower phase is often an essential component of the writing process. I’m not going to discuss what I have in mind; it is too early. If I crack the story, however, this one should occupy me for most of the year.
I also have completed projects waiting for responses from publishers. So, we’ll see.
Meanwhile I am reading. Currently I am reading — or re-reading, I’m not entirely sure which — The Last of the Mohicans. I’ve had the book on my shelves for decades. It was, I believe, a Christmas present in my youth. The condition of the binding suggests it has been read at least once, but that could merely be age. So far, so good, though I do grasp the foundation for Mark Twain’s mockery “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses.”
In the car and at the gym I am listening to Operation Pineapple Express. It is intense. I find myself wondering which of the multiple storylines will be excised in the inevitable movie version.
Well, I have some more mulling to do, and those walls won’t stare at themselves.
If you’d like to occupy yourself with something rather more entertaining, pick up the collected four book series Semi-Autos and Sorcery.