Near Term Event: ConFinement VI

I will be attending ConFinement VI, February 28-March 2. I’m scheduled for a panel on Friday. We’ll see if I’ll sit in on any others. If any readers are the Nashville, TN area that weekend, see if you can grab a membership. Drop by and say hello.

ConFinement is a small gathering of — primarily — science fiction and fantasy authors, held in Lebanon, TN, about thirty minutes east of Nashville. The panels are rather more casual and intimate than in the usual convention setting. There is a small dealers room, some gaming, and a hospitality room that is conducive to some fascinating (often hilarious) conversations late in the evening.

I will be bringing MBW and the HA this year, taking a couple of days for the drive. The HA will likely spend as much time as possible in the hotel swimming pool. But I think MBW will want to take the car into Nashville for a bit of exploring. So the HA will have to remain dry for some of the trip.

If you feel like contributing some gas money, why not buy a book? People do seem to like them. Mostly; you can’t please everyone.

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