Publicity, Ugh. Resurrected Post.

September 8, 2019

Publicity, Ugh.

It is self-evident, of course, that if no one hears of your work, no one will purchase it. I understand that, I acknowledge and accept it. That doesn’t mean I have to like the necessary corollary: publicity.

But I’m doing it, with as much good grace as I can muster. I write these books, I’d like you to read them. So I’m trying to get the word out.

For example, I recorded a podcast interview about a week ago. I’ll update you with a link once I learn it’s available to hear.

This coming Friday (Friday the 13th, appropriately enough) I will appear on a panel at Rose City Comic Con with a few other lawyers, discussing entertainment and publishing law.


Room 2

Q and A with the Pop Culture Lawyers, for free! (50 min)

There are many legal considerations that affect pop culture, from rights of publicity, ownership of content, and publishing contracts to intellectual property, including copyrights, trademarks, and even patents. Come hear what these PNW pop culture lawyers have to say, and please bring your questions – they will be happy to answer you, and at no charge!

I have some familiarity with both the legal and creative side of the topic, so the organizers of the panel figured I’d have something to contribute. I normally prefer to maintain separation between my two careers, but given the opportunity to get my name and books before a reading audience I can’t well pass it up.

Once Karl Thorson and the Jade Dagger is published (still presumably mid-November) I’ll need to engage in even more publicity to promote the book. But, it is a good book. You’ll like it. So, if I need to slip into my tap shoes, perform a few Vaudeville routines, then so be it. It’ll be worth it.

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Published on September 08, 2019 09:17

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