Down in New Orleans. Plus Savage Journal Entry 23.
A couple days after Christmas I drove MBW and the HA to New Orleans. It is about a 5 1/2 hour trip from Fortress Lizzi.
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
A couple days after Christmas I drove MBW and the HA to New Orleans. It is about a 5 1/2 hour trip from Fortress Lizzi.
Writing is an odd business. Each story is its own, unique blend of challenge and joy. Then it sits, sometimes for years, only to be
What books made you who you are today? What is your personal Appendix N? [NB: Appendix N is a recommended reading list for players of
The web log has been traveling. MBW, the HA, and I just returned to my fastness in the outskirts of Houston from spending Thanksgiving with
I have, I believe, completed the task of resurrecting the lost web log posts. I’ll examine the matter more closely later. But for now I’m
The delivery truck driver dropped off a box at my front door the other day. The box label read “Goodman Games.” Inside, protected by redundant
It’s been nearly five months since MBW, the HA, and I pulled into the driveway of our new home in Texas. Five months of adjustments,
Time again for another holiday-themed post. Halloween is not my favorite holiday. I don’t care for the decorations, the general ghoulishness or the faux-macabre. I
SAVAGE JOURNAL ENTRY 13. The barbarian conceives of law in an entirely different fashion than the civilized man, dear diary. For the barbarian the model