January 26, 2020
The Beat Goes On

I grew up in the Northwest. Rain is the norm. Wet weather can limit activities, hinder weekend recreation. I recall one of the go-to choices for a rainy Saturday was a trip to Bonneville Dam. Tour the museum, count the fish, visit the hatchery. Not a lot of pizzazz, perhaps, but it can occupy a kid for a few hours.
So, I decided to pass the tradition along to the Heir Apparent. I drove MBW and the HA along the Columbia Gorge to look at some fish and watch a dam generating electricity. Neither one seems to hate me for it.
The HA found the gift shop more engaging than the enormous sturgeon, but still seemed to like what she saw.
Unfortunately the fish ladder was shut down for cleaning. So, no fish counting. That’s too bad. The windows in the observation level are usually good for at least a lamprey or two. But the HA has been watching an education show that delved into energy generation, so she showed some interest in seeing the turbines. Ultimately she was more entertained by an old manual typewriter that formed part of an exhibit, and a model energy-efficient house. But I’ll take it as a win.
Any chance to drive along the Columbia River Gorge at least provides worthwhile scenery. That’s less of a benefit for the driver, but the passengers can get an eyeful of waterfalls, a wide river, and towering rock formations.
The tradition holds up, I figure.