The Web Log is Busy Vomiting. Resurrected Post.
April 24, 2016 The Web Log is Busy Vomiting Food poisoning: the all-natural weight loss method. It works for me, it’ll work for you. However,
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
April 24, 2016 The Web Log is Busy Vomiting Food poisoning: the all-natural weight loss method. It works for me, it’ll work for you. However,
April 17, 2016 The Web Log on the Move The web log spent the weekend moving to its temporary new headquarters. It also suffered a
April 10, 2016 Note to the Writers of Daredevil Season 2 So far, with some quibbles, I’m enjoying the second season of Daredevil. I do
April 3, 2016 I Do and I Do and I Do for You People The Author Hard at Work. For You. Seriously, readers, the efforts
Let’s continue reviewing the Garrett Files series, shall we? Old Tin Sorrows. If you’ve jumped into the Garrett novels after Old Tin Sorrows, you might
March 27, 2016 More Too Late Book Reviews I admit that I get around to reading certain influential, well-regarded, even seminal books rather late. Given
March 20, 2016 A. Merritt’s Meritorious Service to Appendix N Abraham Merritt is one the lesser known writers of Appendix N. An example of the
March 13, 2016 Accepting Praise with Grace Perihelion Online Science Fiction Magazine likes my novel, Under Strange Suns. No, really. Check out the review. And
March 6, 2016 Keep the Story Moving. How Hard Could it Be? Elmore Leonard’s “10 Rules for Good Writing” offers the sage tip “Try to