At Loose Ends. Resurrected Post.

October 7, 2018

At Loose Ends

I am undecided how to proceed Monday morning during my standard writing time. Saturday I took MBW’s car in for brake servicing. Sitting, waiting, and drinking coffee I was able to finish outlining Warlord. That is good. Hearty pats on my own back. However, this leaves me with some uncertainty, as I will explain.


I have not yet received editorial comments on book one, Boss. Re-reading Boss and polishing the manuscript would be a productive use of my time. I need to refresh myself on certain names and personalities. But, that appears out for Monday’s writing.

I could begin the second draft of Captain. My preference is to work from a printed copy and the printer is current out of ink. Also, I’d hoped to start on the second draft after re-reading Boss so I could fill in certain blanks that currently read [NAME.] See above for the reason that hope appears likely to go unfulfilled in a timely manner.

I could begin writing Warlord. After all I do have an outline. The problem with this option is that the above two requirements must necessarily interrupt it. A first draft is a commitment of several months. I don’t like interrupting the flow. But in order to hit January and March publishing deadlines I will have to see Boss and Captain completed.

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Published on October 07, 2018 11:53

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