Audio books help keep me going. Every morning in the gym the storyteller in my earbuds shifts my focus away from the tedious and tiring exertions my body is enduring. Stories shorten the perceived duration of car trips. They lessen the aggravation that is other drivers.
Currently downloaded through one of the two library apps on my phone is The Blood of Elves. I haven’t reached a final evaluation of Mr. Sapkowski’s tale, and I’ve never played the games, but I’m in for the duration.
The narrator of The Witcher books has a gift for voices. A good narrator is key. Of course even the best will occasionally stumble over a pronunciation, or employ a commonly used mispronunciation (deliberately or through ignorance.) Who among us would be able to cast the first stone? Not me. Sometimes such an error will temporarily force me from immersion. (One particular narrator consistently pronounced the W in sword.)
I do wish the available field of audio books was wider. Given the effort and expense of producing one, it is no surprise that more obscure and older books are not out in audio format. Or, if they are, haven’t been picked up by a library. Sometimes it will require a half an hour for me to select the work in which I’m going to invest my listening time for the next couple of weeks.
Are any of you also audiobook listeners? Any favorites to recommend? How does REH’s work translate as read aloud?
If you are, like me, often looking for the next book to occupy your mind while your body is otherwise employed, I may have something of interest to you. I still have promo codes for free downloads of my Falchion’s Company series. These are available for the US and the UK. If you are interested, send me an email. First come, first served. While supplies last. Void where that sort of thing is frowned upon. Etc.
I’ll leave you with a picture of where I spent my weekend. Cheers.