August 4, 2019
Run, It’s an Advertisement.
Only a brief note this web log, I’m afraid. MBW, the HA, and I were in Washington State this weekend, visiting a couple places we’ve not been to before. A late arrival home, added to necessary chores, squeezed out the time required to scribble my usual nonsense.
So, instead, let me suggest that you purchase one of my books. They are good. You will enjoy them. They are most likely available from your preferred on-line retailer. Here, I’ll make it easier. Link:
If you prefer sources other than Amazon, let me know. I’ll find the Barnes & Noble (or whatever) link for you. It’s that level of customer service I’m known for.
Okay, shameless shilling done. I feel dirty.
Published on August 04, 2019 18:58