Grab Bag: Year’s Finest Fantasy, Texas Renaissance Festival, and Savage Journal Entry 11.
I picked up a paperback copy of Terry Carr’s inaugural Year’s Finest Fantasy. In all honesty I may have read this before, as a kid,
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
I picked up a paperback copy of Terry Carr’s inaugural Year’s Finest Fantasy. In all honesty I may have read this before, as a kid,
October 21, 2018 Orycon 2018 Schedule Orycon approaches. Time to mingle, share from my meager store of knowledge, and roam from room party to room
October 14, 2018 Oh, Horrors! ‘Tis the month of Halloween, during which we make light of death, the supernatural, and terror. What fun. For me,
October 7, 2018 At Loose Ends I am undecided how to proceed Monday morning during my standard writing time. Saturday I took MBW’s car in
September 30, 2018 Milestone Last Wednesday I wrote “The End” on the first draft of “Captain.” Saturday I celebrated. There remains a way to go
September 23, 2018 Not Entering an Ass-Kicking Contest Any Time Soon I’m staring down fifty. As of this writing that day remains about six months
September 16, 2018 The State of the Web Log This is post number two hundred and nineteen. That’s over two years of posting, almost without
September 9, 2018 The Slog Writing is an incremental process. At least for novels; you can, theoretically, knock out a short story in a single
September 2, 2018 Investment The days grow shorter, the mornings hold a touch of chill. But the summer retains a pleasant warmth, without the oppressive