A Farrago: Updates, Reviews, and Doings. Resurrected Post.
January 12, 2020 A Farrago: Updates, Reviews, and Doings. I hope to cram in a number of items in today’s post. A mishmash of topics.
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
January 12, 2020 A Farrago: Updates, Reviews, and Doings. I hope to cram in a number of items in today’s post. A mishmash of topics.
January 5, 2020 Hints and Portents Today is one of those times I wish I did not attempt to maintain a weekly posting schedule on
December 29, 2019 2019 Retrospective So, 2019 is pretty much a wrap. I have few complaints, it was a good year for YoursTruly, MBW, and
December 22, 2019 The Gifting Season Christmas is rushing towards us like an out of control sleigh, with a fat man in a red suit
December 15, 2019 Glutton The first baked potato went down nicely. It always did. Loaded with all the toppings, the pillowy starches glistening with melted
December 8, 2019 The Alamo Some things are true serendipity, others are more deliberately linked. I’m going with the latter in the case at hand.
December 1, 2019 An Aquilonian Thanksgiving “By Mitra, this bird is as plump as a Zingaran concubine,” quoth Conan. Conan slid his broadsword free of
November 24, 2019 Intro to Swords and Sorcery: Five Names You Should Know Perhaps you are new to this planet, or have been living in
November 17, 2019 What is Swords and Sorcery? Sword & Sorcery is one of those terms that defies precise definition. So, it is, I suppose,