September 6, 2015
Autumn is Coming!

So, yeah, there’s that. Signs of the end of summer are accumulating. Chief among them: College football. Sales of chicken wings begin their annual climb, to a false peak during January bowl games, then ascending once more to the true summit of the Super Bowl in February.
The state fair is winding down, making its annual bet that it will miss the first rains. (Looking outside as I write, I think the fair lost this year.) My beautiful wife and I took our progeny to the fair yesterday. Pro tip: Don’t drive south from Portland on I-5 during Labor Day weekend the day of a UO Ducks football game. But eventually we reached Salem. It is safe to say that the fair was a big hit with V.V. Next year we might contrive to spend most of the day. Watching her enjoy, well, everything, is terrific entertainment. She’s enthusiastic about the animals. In fact the petting zoo was almost too much for her, fear and excitement alternating to a basically debilitating degree.
We’ve probably spent the last afternoon by the pool until next summer. Frankly, I’m relieved by the cooler temperatures. Triple digits is something I prefer to encounter on vacation, not come home from work to. Writing is challenging enough without contending with sweat dripping onto the keyboard.
So, those of you in the US, enjoy your Labor Day Weekend. Soak up these last days of summer. For autumn is coming.