January 24, 2016
Westercon 69, Dude
I received an invitation to serve as a panelist at Westercon 69. Westercon is a regional science fiction convention, held in a different city west of the Rockies each year. For 2016 Portland took the honors. How convenient.
Once again I will dilute the quality of the pool of con-guests, and diminish the level of panel repartee with my ill-conceived opinions and half-baked witticisms. It should be fun. The convention occurs July 1-4. If you live in Portland, pick up a membership and join in. If you don’t live in Portland, well July is one of the best times to visit. Early summer is gorgeous here. The scenery, weather, bookstores, food, and beer will make you want to stay. Resist the temptation. Portlandia is a documentary.
I hope to see you at the con.