Appendix N and the Witchy World of Andre Norton. Resurrected Post.
October 30, 2016 Appendix N and the Witchy World of Andre Norton Well, as a cover it certainly is a…cover. I come at last to
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
October 30, 2016 Appendix N and the Witchy World of Andre Norton Well, as a cover it certainly is a…cover. I come at last to
October 23, 2016 Seveneves I finished Neal Stephenson’s latest, Seveneves, earlier this week during my commute. It certainly passed the time, immersing me in a
October 16, 2016 The Black Dog’s Bite Winston Churchill battled against attacks of the ‘black dog.’ To what extent this has been exaggerated by historians,
I have moved. I remember when moving involved a few buddies and a pickup truck. The whole thing took an afternoon and there was time
The Great Garrett Reread is on hiatus. I have not had time to read the next two books in the series. I’ve been entirely too
October 9, 2016 Appendix N, Past Mid-Way I’m about two-thirds of the way through my haphazardly completed reviews of Appendix N authors. Andre Norton is
October 2, 2016 Orycon 38 on the Horizon Orycon beckons once again. The Portland science-fiction convention has asked me back as a panelist for the
September 25, 2016 Books on CD Move to the new house complete, I now enjoy a thirty-five plus minute drive to work, usually more on
September 18, 2016 Settling In I’ve been in the new house about three weeks now. The majority of the unpacking is complete. It is even