A Cimmerian Christmas
Conan wished he was in Argos, or perhaps even Kush. Anywhere warm. Cimmeria was no place to spend the winter. Cold, gray, bleak. And direly
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
Conan wished he was in Argos, or perhaps even Kush. Anywhere warm. Cimmeria was no place to spend the winter. Cold, gray, bleak. And direly
I’ve been reading Thomas Bulfinch’s The Age of Chivalry. How many times and in how many versions have I encountered the deeds of King Arthur
The web log has been traveling. MBW, the HA, and I just returned to my fastness in the outskirts of Houston from spending Thanksgiving with
December 1, 2019 An Aquilonian Thanksgiving “By Mitra, this bird is as plump as a Zingaran concubine,” quoth Conan. Conan slid his broadsword free of
February 17, 2019 Top Ten Fantasy Films These things are subjective. They have to be. By what metric does one objectively quantify entertainment value? I
August 19, 2018 Amateurish Tolkien Sleuthing MBW, the HA, and I drove out to the Columbia River Gorge yesterday and embarked on a paddlewheel sightseeing
As you’ve no doubt come to expect from this hard-hitting, contemporarily relevant web log, today I’m wresting with yet another vital topic of global significance.
September 13, 2015 Robert E. Howard, Appendix N’s Top Dog Contender I approach this entry with some trepidation. I knew I’d need to write about
Swords and Sorcery fiction provides us with exciting action in memorable settings. It also drops terrific characters into those settings and lets them run free.