Considering the Remaining Appendix N Posts. Resurrected Post.
February 18, 2018 Considering the Remaining Appendix N Posts Glancing at Appendix N I find only a handful of authors remaining. Only five are left
If Ken Lizzi has a quest it is to help infuse a pulp sensibility into 21st Century fiction
February 18, 2018 Considering the Remaining Appendix N Posts Glancing at Appendix N I find only a handful of authors remaining. Only five are left
October 22, 2017 J.R.R. Tolkien: Appendix N’s Controversial Entry Writing about J.R.R. Tolkien is challenging unless one cares nothing for originality. Oceans of ink have
August 27, 2017 Appendix N, Margaret St. Clair I’ve been reluctant to write this one. You know the ubiquitous maternal aphorism “If you don’t have
June 25, 2017 Fred Saberhagen: Appendix N’s Master Craftsman I’ve reached Fred Saberhagen in my Appendix N irregular series of posts. And I’m extremely pleased
The end of modern civilization. What caused it? Nuclear war, plague, zombies, alien invasion? Pick your poison. But the world we know is gone. Survivors
January 8, 2017 Fletcher Pratt, Fleet Admiral of Appendix N Fletcher Pratt, or more precisely, Murray Fletcher Pratt, lived an intriguing life. Seriously, look him
December 11, 2016 Andrew Offutt, Gary Gygax’s Guiding Genius? I think, as far as reading sensibilities went, Gary Gygax shared the most with Andrew J.
October 30, 2016 Appendix N and the Witchy World of Andre Norton Well, as a cover it certainly is a…cover. I come at last to
October 9, 2016 Appendix N, Past Mid-Way I’m about two-thirds of the way through my haphazardly completed reviews of Appendix N authors. Andre Norton is